初三英语作文范文【DO NOT GIVE UP】

学习资料 2021-03-18 150

对于初三学生来说英语作文在英语考试中占有重要的地位,英语作文要想取得高分必须多阅读英语作文范文,下面学大教育网为大家带来初三英语作文范文【DO NOT GIVE UP】,希望能够帮助大家提高英语作文写作水平。

There is a saying said that don't give up forever.When I was a child,my teachers often told that don't give up,and the hope was always there.

Whenever we meet with a problem,however hard the problem is,we shouldn't stop our work.We must have a faith that the most beautiful view will come in after the most high hill.There are also many examples,such as Zhang Haidi,Zheng ZHihua,Helen Keller and so on,they all had a bad life,but they all successed by their efforts.

In a word,if we have dreams,we should do our best to come true our dreams,we shouldn't give up!

学大教育网为大家精心准备了初三英语作文范文【DO NOT GIVE UP】,希望大家能够学会借鉴这些优秀英语作文,想要阅读更多的初三英语作文请查阅学大教育网。


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