学习资料 2021-03-18 186
积累英语作文素材能够帮助中考生提高语言表达能力,平时大家要多阅读作文素材,下面学大教育为大家带来2019中考英语作文素材:繁忙的周末 busy weekend,希望中考生能够认真借鉴。
I had a busy weekend 。
On saturday morning 。I cleaned my room 。In the afternoon ,I did homework 。It was a little difficult 。 On saturday night,I staied at home 。my aunt cooked dinner for me 。 On sunday morning ,I went to library 。I read a book about history 。Then in the afternoon, I play soccer with my friends, on sunday night ,I watched TV ,I saw an interesting talk show。
推荐阅读 2019中考英语作文素材:早餐还是午餐 Breakfast or lunch 2019中考英语作文素材:保护环境 protect the environment 2019中考英语作文素材:兴趣爱好 hobbies 2019中考英语作文素材:探望我的朋友 Visiting My Friend 2019中考英语作文素材:网上交友 Online Make friends 2019中考英语作文素材:如何保持健康 How to keep healthy
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上一条: 2019中考英语作文素材:早餐还是午餐 Breakfast or lunch 下一条: 2019中考英语作文素材:如何保持健康 How to keep healthy