学习资料 2021-03-18 355
想要中考英语得满分其实也不难,只要大家平时多阅读英语作业多积累就可以了,学大老师今天为大家整理了中考英语满分作文:谈论体育 Talking about Having Sports,大家阅读之后一定会在英语作文上有所提高的。
Talking about Having Sports
David: Susan, you like sports, don’t you?
Susan: Yes. I have sports every afternoon.
David: Do you often go swimming?
Susan: Yes, I go swimming once a week.
David: I used to swim at middle school, but I don’t have time any more.
Susan: That’s too bad! Exercise is very important.
David: I know. I am getting fat, you see. Anyway, I don’t want to be heavy.
Susan: Well, I’m going to swim this afternoon. Do you want to go with me?
David: OK! I really need more exercises. When and where shall we meet?
Susan: How about three o’clock, at the swimming-pool?
David: All right. Good-bye!
Susan: Good-bye!
推荐阅读 2018年中考英语听力常见题型【谈论爱好Talking about Hobbies)】 八年级英语试题资料 八年级英语试题练习 中考英语听力常考对话用语资料:谈论爱好 初一英语下册Unit 5-6单元测试题 初三英语作文范文【Sports meeting】 2016年平顶山中考英语模拟试题及答案
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