
学习方法 2021-07-19 133




  1. I get so nervous when I give a speech. 只要发表演讲,我就紧张。

give (.) a speech 做报告,做演讲;

e.g. Our school will invite a scientist to give us a speech about feelings next week.下周,我们学校将邀请


  1. I have a CD about giving speeches. 我有⼀张有关发表演讲的CD。
  2. I feel more relaxed now because of your help. 有了你的帮助,我现在感觉轻松多了。
  3. because of+代词/介词短语,“因为(某⼈/某事物);由于”,在句中作状语。

e.g. He walked slowly because of his bad leg. 他⾛得慢是因为腿有⽑病。

  1. because 连词, “因为”,⽤来连接原因状语从句。

e.g. I did it because he told me to. 我做这事是因为他叫我做的。

  1. What is Kangkang’s suggestion for helping Michael?

suggestion 意为:“建议,提议”,为可数名词。 其的动词:suggest。同义词: advice, 为不可数名词。

e.g. I’d like to hear your suggestions for ways of raising money.

= I’d like to hear your advice for ways of raising money.


make a suggestion 意为:“提建议”。

e.g. Can I make a suggestion? 我提个建议好吗?

  1. Relax and just follow the dentist’s advice. 放轻松,只要听医⽣的建议。
  2. advice 意为:“建议”, 不可数名词。

advice 可被 some, any, no 等词修饰,不可被an或其他数词直接修饰。


a piece of advice ⼀则建议; three pieces of advice 三则建议;

give . some advice 给某⼈提些建议;follow one’s advice 遵循某⼈的建议;

  1. advise 意为:“建议”, 动词。


advise . to do sth. 建议某⼈做某事;

advise . not to do sth. 建议某⼈不要做某事;

e.g. The doctor advised her to eat less and do more exercise. 医⽣建议她要少吃多锻炼。



  1. Anything wrong? 有什么⿇烦吗?

此句为省略句,完整的句⼦是:Is there anything wrong?

e.g. Is there anything wrong with your head? 你的头有什么⽑病吗?

  1. I’m sorry to hear that. 很抱歉听到这个消息。

be sorry to do sth. 很抱歉做某事;

e.g. I’m very sorry to keep you waiting so long. 很抱歉让你等这么久。

  1. What seems to be the problem? 到底是怎么回事?
  2. She is crying in the bathroom because she did badly in the English exam.因为考不好,她在洗⼿间⾥哭呢。

badly为副词,修饰动词的副词通常放在被修饰的动词之后。如:listen carefully, read quickly等。do badly in 在……⽅⾯做得不好,与do well in意思相反。

e.g. Why do you think you did so badly in your text? 你认为为什么你考得这么差?

He did very well in English when he was young. 他⼩时候就很擅长英语。

  1. She is very strict with herself. 她对⾃⼰要求很严格。
  2. be strict with . 对……要求严格,后⾯接⼈作宾语。

e.g. The teacher is strict with us. ⽼师对我们要求很严格。

  1. be strict about/in sth. 在……⽅⾯要求严格;

e.g. His father is strict with him about/in study.


  1. She feels very lonely because she has no friends to talk with. 她感到很寂寞,因为没有朋友可以聊天。


  1. alone既可作副词,又可作形容词,常在句中作表语和状语,说明客观存在。

e.g. She left for Shangqiu alone. 她独⾃去了商丘。(状语)

Jim’s parents both went shopping. So he is alone at home.吉姆的⽗母都去买东西了。因此只有他⾃⼰在家。(表语)

  1. lonely形容词,常在句中作表语、定语,侧重⼈的⼼理。

e.g. There is a lonely room on the side of the hill. ⼭坡上有⼀间孤零零的房⼦。(定语)

The old man seldom speaks to others, but he never feels lonely.那⽼⼈很少与其他⼈说话,但他从不感到寂寞。(表语)

2)不定式短语to talk with作后置定语修饰friends。

e.g. Mary, I can’t go there with you, because I have a lot of homework to do.


  1. I think I should have a talk with her.

have a talk with .和某⼈交谈,talk在这⾥是名词,这个短语相当于talk with .。

e.g. You should have a talk with your son to know what he is thinking about.

=You should talk with your son to know what he is thinking about.


类似词组有:have a walk散散步;have a look看⼀看。

  1. So I send this card to cheer you up. 所以我给你发这张电⼦卡⽚想让你振作起来。
  2. send sth.to .=send . sth. 把某物寄给某⼈;


give sth. to .=give . sth.把某物给某⼈;

pass sth. to .=pass . sth.把某物传给某⼈。

e.g. He will send a postcard to his mother on Mother’s Day

=He will send his mother a postcard on Mother’s Day.


Could you give me that pen?= Could you give that pen to me?


He passed the camera to her, so she could take a photo.

=He passed her the camera, so she could take a photo.


  1. send ./sth. to do sth. 送某⼈/物做某事;

e.g. I’ll send some workers to help you.我叫⼏个⼯⼈去帮助你。

  1. You don’t need to worry about the English exam. 你没必要为英语考试担⼼。

need 需要,在此作实义动词,也可以作情态动词。

  1. need作实义动词时,同其他实义动词⼀样,有⼈称和时态的变化,其疑问和否定形式都要借助于助动词


e.g. Do you need any help? 你需要帮忙吗?

I don’t need your help, thank you. 谢谢,我不需要你来帮助。

  1. need在疑问句和否定句中可以作情态动词并且没有数和⼈称形式变化,后⾯接动词原形,其否定形式为need not/need’t。

e.g. He need not take the exam. 他不必参加考试。

  1. Try to talk to others, and you’ll be happy again. 试着去和别⼈谈谈⼼,你就会重新快乐起来。
  2. try to do sth. 尽⼒做某事;

e.g. Try to stay calm. 努⼒保持冷静。

  1. try not to do sth. 尽量不做某事;

e.g. You should try not to be alone. 你应该尽量不要单独⼀个⼈。

  1. try doing sth. 尝试做某事;

e.g. You should try doing it like others.你应该和其他⼈⼀样尝试去做。



  1. How are you doing? =How are you? 你们好吗?多⽤于熟⼈之间的问候。
  2. My father and mother want to invite your parents to go to the movies.我爸妈想邀请你们⽗母⼀起去看电影。

1)A. want to do sth. = would like to do sth. 想要做某事;

  1. want sth. = would like sth. 想要某物;

2)invite . to do sth. 邀请某⼈做某事;

invite . (to sp.) 邀请某⼈(到某地);

Liming invited me to his party yesterday. 昨晚李明邀请我去参加他的聚会。

3)go to the movies 去看电影;

  1. It’s one of my parents’ favorite movies.它是我⽗母他们最喜欢的电影之⼀。

1)one of + 形容词级+可数名词复数 ……中最……之⼀;

Tom is one of the most lively boys in our class. 汤姆是我们班最活跃的男⽣之⼀。

2)“one of +可数名词复数”作主语时,谓语动词⽤单数形式。

One of the bags is mine. 其中⼀个书包是我的。

  1. My mom will prepare some delicious food for us. 我妈将为我们准备⼀些美味的⾷物。

prepare; prepare for; prepare…for; be prepared for; prepare to do sth. 的区别:

be able to do能够---侧指通过努⼒能够实现的;can---侧指⼈所具有的⼀种能⼒。另外, can ⼀般⽤于现在时和过去时 ⽽be able to可以⽤于任何时态。

3)a ticket to ……的票/⼊场券;

  1. Jane’s parents will feel excited about the news. 简的⽗母将对这个消息感到很兴奋。

be excited about sth. 对某物感到很兴奋;

My son is excited about the present. 我⼉⼦对这份礼物感到很兴奋。


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